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Friday, August 8, 2008

Discovery: French Fries - 5 Ways To Make Them Healthier

Studies show that you can change the nutritional profile of French fries from bad to good - with these preparation tips!

If you love potato chips, if summer just isn’t summer without a bag of French fries at your fingertips, then the nutrition news this past week was both good and bad.

Good because a settlement following a lawsuit initiated by the state of California involves an agreement by manufacturers to reduce the amount of a cancer causing chemical known as acrylamide, found in abundance in both these potato snack foods.

So what’s the bad news? The changeover to a healthier potato snack isn’t going to happen any time soon. In fact, experts predict it could take quite a while before we’ll actually see the healthier versions of these foods hit store shelves - if ever.

And while acrylamide is found in many foods - including baked goods, coffee, even water – because it primarily occurs when a starchy food comes in contact with high heat, the act of frying or even baking a starchy potato appears to cause among the highest levels of acrylamide to form.

This is particularly important information for women, since research reported earlier this year found a positive association between acrylamide and breast cancer. In studies conducted at the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark researchers offered what is believed to be the first significant human evidence linking this chemical to cancer.

While earlier US studies found no association, the newer research once again raises concerns for every woman over 40, a time when the risk of breast cancer naturally increases.

Healthier Snack Foods Right Now!

Now if like me, you also believe that “Potatoes and not Prozac” is the best way to a happier, healthier, serotonin-fueled brain, waiting for the “chefs of the future” to solve the acrylamide dilemma isn’t going to be the quickest route to better health.

Moreover, even if acrylamide is reduced, that still leaves us with some concerns over the heart-hateful trans fats and saturated fats frequently found in both chips and fries.

So what’s a 40 something gal to do? I put on my science cap and went to work!

What I discovered: While you can’t do a whole lot to make chips any healthier on your own
(except maybe eat less of them) there are medical studies showing there are ways to change the nutrition profile of French fries – making them healthier to eat right now, today, this minute!

Of course they are never going to be the nutritional equal to a bowl of raw carrots and a few stalks of broccoli. What's more, you shouldn’t be eating a wheelbarrow full of fries – they can pack on the pounds for sure, and with it, increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

But that said, by using a little creative cooking and seasoning, studies show there are at least 5 ways you can fry your taters and eat them too!

5 Ways To Make French Fries Healthier

1. Soak Your Spuds Before Frying.
In new research published in the journal Science of Food and Agriculture a group of British food scientists found that soaking potatoes in water prior to frying dramatically reduces the formation of acrylamide. The study found that by simply washing raw potatoes you reduce the level by 23%. Soak them for 30 minutes and they go down 38%. Soak them for two full hours and cut acrylamide by a whopping 48% ! One caveat: Soaking only works if you fry your potatoes to a golden brown. Burn ‘em to a crisp and acrylamide is back.

2. Nuke Your Fries Before Frying.
In another study published in the Journal of Science and Food Agriculture a group of Turkish researchers found that pre-cooking fries in the microwave both reduces the amount of frying time and subsequently the level of acrylamide that forms. More specifically researchers found that nuking potato strips and then frying them at 150 C degrees reduced acrylamide by 36%; fry at 170 degrees C and it drops 41%; nuke and fry at 190 degrees C and it’s down 60%. You might also want to look into purchasing the new “microwave- able fries”, which come in a special box that allows you to crisp them in the micro. While there aren’t any studies on them yet, they might just be one answer to further reducing acrylamide.

3. Spice Up Your Fries
Evidence continues to mount that when added during the cooking process certain seasonings can reduce acrylamide formation. Among the most effective is the herb rosemary, according to collaborative research conducted by the National Food Institute and the Department of Systems Biology at the Technical University of Denmark. In their research rosemary reduced acrylamide formation in some foods by up to 60% . Other tests showed that blanching and salt were also effective in reducing acrylamide content in French fries.

4. Buy Healthier Fries
And that's not as hard as it seems! If you purchase frozen fries buy only the ones that are pre-blanched in healthy oils – like canola or grape seed. While this won’t necessarily do anything to reduce the amount of acrylamide, it will cut the level of trans fat dramatically, which is very good for your heart health. Many brands, including McCains, and some store brands such as Waldbaum’s America’s Choice and Stop and Shop’s Fries now feature “Zero Trans Fat” options, with saturated fat down to a half gram per serving. These same brands also contain much less sodium, which may be important if you have high blood pressure or you retain water. Again, just don’t eat the whole bag at once!

5. Go Crinkle Cut!
If you read the labels (and you should!) you’ll find out that across all brands, this particular cut of fries has far less fat and less saturated fat per serving than any other types. And, because of the shape, less of the potato may come in contact with the pan, which may reduce some of the temperature –related acrylamide concerns.

Also remember, regardless of the style or brand, cooking fries to a golden color is healthier for you than cooking them until they are so hard they can clean your dog’s teeth!
Bon Appetit!

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